Sunday, September 12, 2010

Impractical clothing. Sure, I have some. I just bought a sheer slip yesterday that I plan to wear in the broad daylight. With sufficient layering, of course. Layering that actually covers something. Unlike at Rag and Bone.

Ok she's wearing a bra, dress AND sweater, possibly another layer, and you can still totally see her goodies! Something is very wrong here.

Now this look is better, at least on top. I love the crocheted top. And the bra actually does its job!
But the pants? I don't mind the knee pads. Despite the fact that knee pads are supposed to keep the knees from wearing out, not already be completely worn out the first time you wear them. That's not my issue. My issue is the crotch. WHY WOULD YOU WANT A SHEER CROTCH? I just don't understand. I really don't.

And um...Charlotte Ronson? So. We've got the transparent top. So of course we leave the jacket unbuttoned. And how do we style the sweater? As a skirt, derrr! How else would we wear a garment with sleeves? On our arms? Never!!

pictures from studdedhearts

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