Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ugh this summer has gone by so fast. Less than two weeks left!! I can't fall asleep till about 2 on most nights. It's a combination of it simply being my sleeping habit, and the fact that all I can think about is how far behind I am on all my AP summer work and how screwed I am. It's great.

I don't really have anything to "blog" about but I can't sleep and I can't bring myself to do the work I'm stressing about so I'll just complain about it on here. Possibly until I get really exhausted and have to crash. But I mean it's a blog, right? So I'm supposed to complain and ramble unnecessarily occasionally.

I started yoga again and it's nice to actually feel physically accomplished (does that make sense?) and sore for the first time this summer. Also, it's a nice procrastination technique. If I go twice a day, it takes up about four-five hours total.
Yayyy drawings. Yay.

And how about a nice Jason Mraz video for good measure.

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