So my mommy sent me the link to "The uggliest shoes, well, ever" (btdubbs why are we not capitalizing the title words of the piece??) and there were some Lady Gaga favorites in there but these are by far the weirdest to me because I know average people actually wear them.

It's so natural, it's unnatural! Ah it's just one of those things that makes me uncomfortable to look at. It's just SO WRONG. But if you disagree and think nothing could be more right, go pick up a chic purple pair from REI for $110.

These are more poppin' than my lipgloss! All the boys'll be stoppin'.
I also love the caption from the slideshow about Uggs...."Uggs are like the cockroaches of ugly shoes, they just will not die."
Though, TRUE CONFESSION, I did wear my Uggs to get my manicure yesterday. Deborah Lippmann "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" because I know you're just dying to know what color I got. Gina got this intense dark blue by Butter London that I'm completely jealous of. With the coming of Fall it's time to put away the brights and go for the inky shades.
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