So I wander into American Apparel the other day to try on that black dress I mentioned before (I'm going for the short sleeves because long sleeves is meant for a chick with simmer shoulders AKA my friend Ellen who btdubbs it looked really great on, of course I don't have a picture because everyone knows you're sent to the guillotine if you're caught taking pictures in an AA store duhhh because obviously I'm just taking the pictures because I'm actually an Asian spy who wants to make cheap(er) replications of the clothes to sell on the streets of New York and it's not like I couldn't just go online to look at the clothes in the store + some) and I see this...

And I'm all liiiike, "Oooo pretty!" But then I look at the price tag and I'm all liiike, "Oo, well not $84 worth of pretty"
But then I get home and I'm all like cruisin' the Web and whatnot and checkin' out dem blogs and all and I find this.

And then another blogger wearing it in white. If you don't especially care to watch, just believe me?
So perhaps if I want to be a real hip blogger I should invest. Perhaps I could just do with out and be the rather blah blogger that I'm so good at being? Yes, sounds divine.
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