So I've had various ideas for t-shirt designs over the years, from squirrels to penguins to my dog, etc. But I've always either been too busy, lazy, or outgrown the idea by the time I was motivated enough to do something. However, I've actually made a few the past year on Hanes, and soon (knowing me, "soon" will be another few months) I want to get some American Apparel ts in bulk and Etsy it up! Here are some dudesss who actually followed through on their ideas...
T-shirts like this kill me because I know the chains like Wet Seal will pick up the theme and produce much poorer versions, just like they attempted to copy the whole Henry Holland thing. And then everyone will have them and it will be tacky and sad.

Personally, I think mine are better, without the whole "are we exploiting the homeless" controversy. But then again, I haven't actually sold any of my shirts, thus making the Crazy Robertsons better.
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