Jason Mraz was completely amazing. I love that man. It's pretty much as simple as that. The 16 year age difference, yeah no big deal we can work past that. But while texting Zone to 747-00, I started wondering, what would I actually say to him if I won these backstage passes?? "Hi Jason! I love you! Call me in 4 years :D". Yeah... Anyway Ellen and I had to leave during his encore, which was a major bummer, but what was more of a bummer is that he never played Geek In the Pink or If It Kills me. It was still a fantabulous first concert for me. Now I just have to figure out what other concerts I'm going to go to. Mostly I just know/like one or two songs from various artists, and the only exceptions to the rule are Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, and a few obscure bands I found in Teen Vogue or British bands who only tour in Europe.
I have no idea how to take good pictures with my camera, so I only took a few crappy photos and just focused on Mr. A-Z rather than struggling with my camera the whole time.
Oh yeah, and the speakers were perfectly aligned to that they blocked out his entire face on the big screen for 98% of the time.

What I wore.
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