14 years ago
Thursday, December 10, 2009
So in this article it claims that by looking at Japanese street style blogs, those kids "know what’s hip months, sometimes years before the rest of us". Now, not trying to bash the Japanese or anything, but to me, that's not really being "hip". Because, to me, being "hip" would be being with the current trends. Not several years ahead of them. I mean, hypothetically, I might really like full-body chainmail robes and wear them on a regular basis, and while they will (hypothetically) be in style 3 years from now, I don't think many people would be snapping my picture and labeling it "Hip". Perhaps "individualistic" or "daring", and more likely "freak", but not "hip".
Sunday, December 6, 2009
For Paula ;P
Good God it's been almost a month! I really horrible at keeping this up. But I do have an incredibly insufficient excuse... I was in NYC last week! I'll post a few pictures later. The last day I was there (Thursday, and I had only gotten there on Tuesday) it was at least 60 degrees. And now it's freezing here! Ugh! Too many exclamation points!!!
So procrastination technique of the day wassssss looking up old youtube frahndzz. Well, not legitimate friends, and not even channels I watched often. I just happen across them every several months. I think I like Charlie best. :)
And then this is impressive but at the same time just plain creepy. More creepy.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
This weekend was fantab but now it's Sunday night which means homework time, and since there are projects due tomorrow I can't just go to sleep and put it off till later in the week. So time for a blog post :)
First off, Tavi! I love this girl. She's so funny, and her writing style reminds me of my old 8th grade English journals. And, via her blog, I discovered Freaks and Geeks, and a young James Franco. LOVE! Seriously, new favorite show.
Saturday was positively gorgeous, so I decided to do something crazy insane and wear shorts in November. Oh my!
By 7:30pm it was definitely a bit chilly and I had to change but it was good while it lasted. I love my red Chucks! A bit cliché, which usually bugs me, but I got over it reaaal quick.
How Ellen and I spent our Saturday night after using up old gift cards at Coney Island (I'm trying to decide if their Chicken Gyro is actually good or if I was just really hungry) and Coldstone. We're basically out of control party animals. All day err day.
Freaks and Geeks,
pick-up lines,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Long time no post...
On Sunday I was enjoying a delicious banana-strawberry smoothie and listening Lily Allen, thinking how wonderfully they go together. Apparently, Karl Lagerfeld also thinks that Miss Allen is always a nice component, and had her perform at Chanel's Spring RTW show. In which she came up from the floor. It was a great big show, as any fashion blog'll tell ya (show...and tell...oh my cleverness is killing me), but to me, the clogs were most memorable. They made me think of middle school when I thought Coach was the swankiest thing around, and I was in the store, staring at the most ridiculous pair of shoes I had ever seen. Wellllll, they're back!

Pictures - style.com
I wonder how long they'll stick around for...and if Jane from Sea of Shoes is interested in getting a pair.
Monday, October 5, 2009
School still hasn't really slowed down at all, and I'm starting to realize that the rest of the year is always going to be this hectic. So I apologize for not posting often, but please keep visiting Chocolate Sunglasses :)
Friday night my mom and I went to the art museum, where we met a guy named Eugene (Hey Eugene! He didn't quite get my reference, though) and then Lafayette Coney Island, and after that an attempt at a dessert from the Book Cadillac. While the dessert was unattainable due to the fact that the bar's kitchen closed at about 10pm (How exactly is this helping your image?) there was some nice eye candy and we talked with a roadie for So You Think You Can Dance. All in all, a very interesting night. The fact that I was wearing an old ball
et tutu may have also added a little something.
Monday, September 21, 2009
I really should be writing a practice impromptu on a autobiographical narative by Gary Soto, in which I am to analyze his guilty six-year-old self, but I feel I've gone too long with out posting. Also, I have no clue what I am going to write about, so this is a nice form of procrastination. School has been absolutely crazy and I've been trying to keep up with all the runways so I can have something to report on but most of my time has been aimlessly wasted on Facebook and the likes, which is quite a shame but like the young Gary Soto, I don't have the strongest willpower. See what I did there?
Anyway, this weekend I discovered a few things that I'm sure everyone else was already completely aware of:
> Super Popular Blogger, Thirteen-year-old Tavi Gevinson
> Formerly-annorexic, now Super Popular Plus-sized model Crystal Renn, who was in both last week's newspaper and October's Teen Vogue, which I just got around to devouring this weekend
> Slow and Steady Wins the Race, via Tavi's blog. And these mad sunglasses from there.

Love! They remind me of the glasses the mice put on when Wallace and Gromit blast off to the moon in A Grand Day Out. Which is lovely because I adore those movies.

Definitely waking up early early to write that essay....Good night!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The new iPod Nanos are amazing!!! Not only is there a video camera built in, there's also FM radio! So SICK. I am so excited about this! Note the exclamation points!!! This is why Apple is the best.
Also, it's New York Fashion Week! Check out the runways here.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Check out this list of the 99 most influential style blogs. So far I really like Go Fug Yourself, Garance Dore, and FaceHunter.
Just re-watched the Glee preview...Can't wait for the new episode next Wednesday! My brother is scoffing at the Journey cover, and I'm not incredibly attached to that song either unlike everyone else, but I love the Glee cast's version. I personally like Gold Digger better because Matthew Morrison has the lead. I know it's wrong, but he really needs to cheat on his wife with the ginger from Ugly Betty.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Accomplishments of the Day:
1. Finally got the September Issue of Vogue
2. Discovered that if you click on the images on my blog they get very, very large.
3. Checked out and was incredibly amused by Charlieissocoollike and MLIA.
4. Horribly burned a batch of cookies.
5. Found the most adorable shoes!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Ugh this summer has gone by so fast. Less than two weeks left!! I can't fall asleep till about 2 on most nights. It's a combination of it simply being my sleeping habit, and the fact that all I can think about is how far behind I am on all my AP summer work and how screwed I am. It's great.
I don't really have anything to "blog" about but I can't sleep and I can't bring myself to do the work I'm stressing about so I'll just complain about it on here. Possibly until I get really exhausted and have to crash. But I mean it's a blog, right? So I'm supposed to complain and ramble unnecessarily occasionally.
I started yoga again and it's nice to actually feel physically accomplished (does that make sense?) and sore for the first time this summer. Also, it's a nice procrastination technique. If I go twice a day, it takes up about four-five hours total.

Yayyy drawings. Yay.
And how about a nice Jason Mraz video for good measure.
Thursday, August 20, 2009

I went on Style.com and the first picture I look at, the girl is wearing jellies. And not the new versions that they have out now. The good old fashioned kind. I used to get a new pair every year, I think usually in pink or purple. Man I was mad about jellies!! Until one year, either I couldn't find my size, or couldn't find them period. I still remember being incredibly heartbroken...
Anyway I was just really excited to find someone wearing these!
Also, jellies always make me think of Dane Cook.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
So I've never really been a big Lara Stone fan, even though apparently Carine Roitfeld, the editor of Vogue Paris, is a major fan and throws her in every issue possible. All I've seen is pictures like this. And, personally, I was never very impressed.

Until, that is, I saw the cover of the Vogue Paris (of course) September issue.

Très magnifique!
She went from blonde to brunette. Epic change.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Jason Mraz was completely amazing. I love that man. It's pretty much as simple as that. The 16 year age difference, yeah no big deal we can work past that. But while texting Zone to 747-00, I started wondering, what would I actually say to him if I won these backstage passes?? "Hi Jason! I love you! Call me in 4 years :D". Yeah... Anyway Ellen and I had to leave during his encore, which was a major bummer, but what was more of a bummer is that he never played Geek In the Pink or If It Kills me. It was still a fantabulous first concert for me. Now I just have to figure out what other concerts I'm going to go to. Mostly I just know/like one or two songs from various artists, and the only exceptions to the rule are Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, and a few obscure bands I found in Teen Vogue or British bands who only tour in Europe.
I have no idea how to take good pictures with my camera, so I only took a few crappy photos and just focused on Mr. A-Z rather than struggling with my camera the whole time.
Oh yeah, and the speakers were perfectly aligned to that they blocked out his entire face on the big screen for 98% of the time.

What I wore.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I've gotta say, I liked Miley's performance at the Teen Choice Awards. It's growing on me. Yes, it's rather slutty. Daisy Dukes, a sheer black bra, the dancing, and, um, a pole? That's taking it just a bit too far. Ok, way too far. Because that's really the center of the buzz. But she looked good, I actually like her song, and she's definitely getting the PR she obviously wanted from it. I mean, she's a pop star, what are you people expecting, khakis and a nice Brooks Brother's button down? Pearl earrings? Uh...no. My main problem is that she is still completely associated with Disney and Hannah Montana, and before slutting-up her image Walmart needs to stop selling light-up tennis shoes and school supplies with images of her beaming in a blonde wig and tacky outfits plastered on them. Oh oh and what's up with her suddenly looking a whole lot like Megan Fox? Or is that just me?
As for the rest of the show, I really enjoyed it. Sean Kingston was too excited to put any effort into lip synching, a handful of girls had their greatest dream come true when Nick Jonas gave them all .5 second hugs, and the Twilight cast was once again the cool kids. Also, Joe's hair looked really good. I'm not sure how long it's been styled like that since I'm not a massive fan and don't stalk them through the tabloids, but it's much better than however it used to be. Oh and of course Selena Gomez looked fab. She's probably the best dressed Disney star I've ever seen. At least that I can think of at the moment.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009

I found this pair of shoes on this blog awhile ago, but I just looked up the designer. Nicholas Kirkwood's shoes, to me, are pieces of art. Usually I think it's a little weird when people consider their shoes art, and don't wear them because they need to preserve them. For example, if I had a pair of these babies there'd be no way I'd just keep them on a pedestal in my room for no one to see but myself. But I do agree with those loonies that shoes can be their own little masterpieces. In no way in the ranks of Monet and Degas, but more like functioning art. Like all those overpriced chairs in Dwell.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Coco Rocha seems like the most likable model. I wouldn't say she's necessarily my favortie model, I don't really know who that would be, but if I had to pick one to be my friend I'd pick her, hands down. She's so adorable and you can tell she doesn't take herself too seriously. This picture is from her blog, though I think she might have switched to Twitter, not too sure...

Anyway I love it. And this video of her and her dad.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
So I've been up north for the past week and a half, which is the cause for my absence. It was such amazing fun! I met new people and had tons of new experiences that can really only happen up there. Up north is da bomb fo shizzleee! Anyway...

I'm loving the sequined skirts, and the pictures in general, especially the top one.
Oh, and I saw the newest Harry Potter. Kind of a disappointment. It just seemed incredibly pointless and vague. Like this post?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Last week I came across Print Magazine's February 2009 cover. It's so interesting to look at, and there's an endless amount of amusing characters to discover.

The style reminds me of Of montreal's music video for Id Engager, and though it isn't the same illustrator, they are still equally entertaining.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

God, Emma Watson is so gorgeous. Plus she's British. Plus she's in the new Burberry ads, which I've already expressed my appreciation for. Plus she's basically set for life thanks to the Harry Potter movies. It all adds up to a totally posh totty. Ha. Ha. Lame pun, sorry.

Psh, nope, hasn't changed a bit since the first Harry Potter.
Friday, July 3, 2009

My collection of bracelets for the moment. I love stacking them up like this. The Paul Frank thing is actually a watchband, but I lost the watch... Anyway I really want a ring watch! Or watch ring, whatever. I remember them from 1st or 2nd grade and all the older girls had them. But I have no idea where to find them now, which is totally bumming me out. I think they were plastic and had little animals on the top and they opened up, but it's kind of a blurry, misplaced memory so I'm not really sure. I'm probably remembering them as being way greater than they actually were.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Oh, Johnny and Kate..
I love this video, neither of them seem very thrilled to be doing whatever interview that is. It's such a ridiculous set and they look very out of place, especially Depp. I love watching interviews, especially when you can tell the celebrity has no interest in being there. It's amusing :)

Well you two clean up nice.
Check out some more of the same here.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Ahh Marie Antoinette, a fabulous movie about a fabulous gal. Yes, she may have had a major part in running France straight into debt, but she did it with such style! The film aptly displays this. I just purchased the soundtrack, which reminds me of A Knight's Tale (another great movie). It has an awesome mix up of music, which mostly consists of songs from a few decades ago rather than centuries. I adore Kirsten Dunst, and Sofia Coppola does a superb job of writing and directing. It's such a colorful movie, and I love watching it just for the sets, props, and of course the costumes.

Oh, can't forget about that hair!
Friday, June 26, 2009
A couple of days ago I seemingly randomly mentioned that I was in DSW. I meant to bring up this pair of Steve Maddens I found there, but my Calvin Klein rant was getting a bit lengthy. So here it is for the shoes. I spotted them across the room...it was love at first sight... Cha well not quite but I did fall in Like with them. They were some Marni knockoffs, like the legit ones Camille has from Childhood Flames. Tre cute. And quite easy to walk in. Alas, I have nothing to wear them with, nowhere to wear them to, and certainly no one to wear them with since I would tower at least a foot over everyone. Such a shame.

They were similar to these, except with more of a heel than a wedge.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
It seems like it was only a week ago that Michael Jackson was sparkling in a Balmain tee, and just yesterday that he was cloaked in a Givenchy jacket... Okay, I can't say that I'm all that fascinated with these articles, it's really just the only recent mention I've heard of him. Oh, but a few months back when I visited the Motown Museum I saw his white glove. Yeah, but that's about it. Oh wait and I made a card for my friend with a picture of Michael on it! Anyway... I'm always shocked when celebrities die. It just seems like they're always going to be there, and I guess in a way they will be, since they're basically immortalized by their work and in the tabloids, etc. This was kind of a ramble-y post but I just felt it should be about the late, and sometimes great, Michael Jackson.

I want you back, Michael ... not really, that was just too good to let slide by
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Today at DSW, while I was tottering around in shoes I'd never actually buy, I mentioned to my mom I want some Calvins. I mean, it's not like this is really anything new. Yes, the big buzz about the latest billboard did re-spark my interest, but I originally wanted a pair about a year ago. But, of course, my mom had heard about the ad and consequently shut me down immediately. What a buzz kill. I do think the television commercial goes too far, but I don't feel the same about the billboard. It's been replaced with a gorgeous model in a little red bikini. So cool. Now instead of a sex scandal, girls will just want to puke up that burger they just ate. Nice.

But Calvin Klein is just so iconic! Especially of the 80's and 90's, with Brooke Shields, Back to the Future, Kate Moss, Marky Mark... And I'm really into those two decades right now. But hey, Calvin Klein got the attention they wanted, and maybe my mom will come around. Yeahhh..

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I found it! In Vogue's big Spring issue from last
year. I am obsessed with Burberrry's Spring/Summer 2008 campaign, and I finally found a spread of it! I'm pretty annoyed with myself though because I know I nabbed a booklet from the Burberry store, but I managed to lose it, or at least temporarily misplace it, so I'm stuck with just a rip-out from Vogue.

A major part of what makes this specific campaign so so appealing to me is the video. I love those black heels worn with black socks, seeing the models in action, enjoying themselves, and, of course, Blondelle's "Pest Control" blaring throughout.
Monday, June 22, 2009

Long time no blog! Basically because I've been lazy and unmotivated, sorry about that. Yesterday I was going through all my Teen Vogues, looking for pages to tear out to start covering my bare bedroom walls. The only thing is, it kills me to ruin my babies. So I only managed to rip out two single pages and a Tommy Hilfiger spread.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Clueless is an epic movie. The clothes are epic, the lines are epic, the actors are epic. I also really like the knee-socks thing and I'm trying to figure out how those could work without pairing them with full on yellow plaid. The Sartorialist captures Consuela Castiglioni, the designer of Marni, pulling them off quite nicely.

Friday, June 5, 2009
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