Sunday, November 15, 2009

This weekend was fantab but now it's Sunday night which means homework time, and since there are projects due tomorrow I can't just go to sleep and put it off till later in the week. So time for a blog post :)

First off, Tavi! I love this girl. She's so funny, and her writing style reminds me of my old 8th grade English journals. And, via her blog, I discovered Freaks and Geeks, and a young James Franco. LOVE! Seriously, new favorite show.

Saturday was positively gorgeous, so I decided to do something crazy insane and wear shorts in November. Oh my!
By 7:30pm it was definitely a bit chilly and I had to change but it was good while it lasted. I love my red Chucks! A bit cliché, which usually bugs me, but I got over it reaaal quick.

How Ellen and I spent our Saturday night after using up old gift cards at Coney Island (I'm trying to decide if their Chicken Gyro is actually good or if I was just really hungry) and Coldstone. We're basically out of control party animals. All day err day.